Irish Soda Bread Biscuits

Irish Soda Bread Biscuits


1 ½ tsp SteviaClear® Sweet Drops®, 4 oz 

2 cups raw unsalted sunflower seeds

1/3 tbsp flaxseed

2 tbsp coconut flour

2 tsp baking powder

½ tsp salt

6 tbsp butter, cold

2 eggs

½ cup buttermilk

¼ cup currants



1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
2. Place sunflower seeds into a food processor and blend until fine. Add flaxseed, coconut flour, baking powder, SweetLeaf®, and salt. Process until combined.
3. Dice cold butter and place in food processor. Pulse until crumbs form. Add eggs and buttermilk and process until well combined, forming a dough. Transfer to a bowl and stir in currants.
4. Grease a 12-capacity muffin pan, and evenly fill with batter. Bake 20 minutes until golden brown. Loosen around edges with a butter knife and enjoy warm.

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